It’s Time to Manifest Our Maker!

Written by on August 11, 2024


As we move forward in this new election season with so many ways to do life with the ones we love, respect, admire, and hold dear, it’s important for us to remember that we are not alone. No man or woman is an island. We share life with others. Community is what makes life fascinating. We are forever becoming the next best version of ourselves as we learn more about this dominion that God has given us over the entire earth. Understand that dominion was not given to us over people, dominion was given to us over the earth!

There is a purpose for the dominion that God gives man. We are to transform territories by influencing culture and causing His Glory to be reflected through us. We were made in His image for a reason and that reason is His purpose on earth. It’s time to reflect God and find out exactly what being made in His image means for us. It’s time to be revealed and time to manifest the glory from the One who made US. It’s time to level up in God!

Know that while we are privately seeking to know and experience intimacy with God and understand more of His ways to master our dominion on earth, the enemy is busy too. He is seeking to devise more evil, more darkness, and more chaos in our cultures. The enemy is hoping that the church will be too busy with religion, burying our noses in the sand, being too tired and burnt out to look to the hills, or being too self-sufficient and self-aggrandizing to care with our noses stuck up in the air while the enemy wreaks havoc all over the land around us.

Your spiritual enemy wants you to just pray and hope it will all go away instead of engaging in the war for our freedom and democracy. He wants those who don’t know any better to remain ignorant. He wants others who are the informed watchers to be cast down from the posts. There has never been a more important time in our generation than now to know your identity, your destiny, and your calling on earth! Trust and believe me when I say the enemy does not want you as a Believer to mature yourself in Christ! 

If you become mature, then you will rise, and cause lies to be exposed in our world. If you become mature, then you will attract and create wealth. If you become mature, then you will create systems that improve and enhance our cultures rather than promote cultures that tear people apart. If you become mature, then you will look around you at creation – the birds, the sky, the mountains, the solar system, the oceans, and all the creatures that God created including man – and recognize there is no way you or the universe could have existed without a Creator. If you become mature, then you will seek to know this Creative God, and live out His testimonies. If you become mature, you will come to realize: Nothing can stop you from living in the fullness of Christ to do great and mighty exploits!

The fullness of Christ is His character, His wisdom, and His power – all three working together – because one without the other two is a cruel joke. If you study the life of Jesus from the prophecies about him to his birth, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, you will see how God demonstrates to us that He works all three of these (character, wisdom, and power) together for our good. It is as if God is saying to us:

  • A God without character is demonic.
  • A God without wisdom makes you prey to perishing.
  • A God without power is a dumb idol.

And, as they say in the hood: ‘Ain’t nobody got time for that!’

When the King of Creation and the Word of God becomes your delight, intimacy with Him becomes a passion. Nothing the world offers is more important than Jesus Christ being revealed and glorified in your life. If you are poor when Jesus is revealed and glorified in your life, then you find the secret to stopping poverty and distress. If you are rich when Jesus is revealed and glorified in your life, then you find the truth in your inner-most parts causing you to master things that money cannot buy. No matter your background or condition when Jesus is revealed and glorified in your life, then the universe becomes your ground for walking towards destiny💜. While this is a true blessing, you must understand walking in your destiny is not solely about you. God cares about the soul experience of others, and you simply have not fully lived until you have learned to engage Christ in His fullness for the good of yourself and others. To love, serve, and share life through the Word of God and the life of His Christ is what living is all about.

But how do you do that in a world where it seems like the truth of God’s love and power being manifest as something real seems like it is far off?

Believing that Jesus Christ is one day coming back as the reigning King almost sounds like a fairy-tale especially when people around you aren’t concerned with such things. The fight for control runs our government not the well-being of a democratic republic or society. Greed rules our economies not what’s best for people to live whole and healthy. Truth is being driven out in favor of lies. An ere of superiority and self-interest is at the helm of a society that touts a godless culture.

Instead of being concerned with living a life above reproach having a sense of accountability towards God and man, people are steeped in their own godship without any regard for who God is and His ultimate ownership of that which has been entrusted to us. On the flipside, there are those who call themselves righteous and haven’t a clue as to what the love and character of Christ looks like. But we can do this! Through His Spirit and His Word we can gain wisdom along with the courage and power to live it!

We don’t rely on others to be gods for us, nor do we rely on ourselves to be the divine answer. We are not ignorant of the enemy’s devices, nor are we exempt from the devices we created ourselves. We become more available, yielded, and trained to manifest our Maker, God Most High. It is then and only then can we rule and reign properly on earth, relieving the sufferings of mankind, creating an atmosphere where people find rest, help, beauty for ashes, and everything needed for life and godliness.

When we need Him (which is every day 24/7) because God is Spirit, He has given Himself in spirit and in truth to us which causes us to manifest Him in the flesh to win! The Bible says God is Spirit and we worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). What does that mean? It means we live in God by faith -that substance of things hoped for, that evidence of things not seen – until we see Him just like the biblical elders before us did and they obtained a good report. We can too!

Hebrews 11:1 says:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.”

Hebrews 11:6

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

Here we see that to Believe Well is the key to doing life with God on earth. Not just knowing our flesh (the body) and not just knowing our soul (mind, will, emotions, imagination, etc.) but becoming a Better Believer by knowing the spirit of man and getting to know the Spirit of God by faith!

Touch your neighbor and say, “We need to know our spirit and we need to get to know His Spirit.”

We do that by exercising our faith. Exercising our faith how? I’m glad you asked.

I John 4:1-5 (KJV)

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

False spirits, deceptive spirits, lying spirits, evil and dark spirits have gone out 💔 🤒 into the world to influence you!

2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God.

We need to know God intimately to be able to discern the spirits out there which are not of God. To commune with God intimately, we get to know Him as Father, know His voice, His character, His heart. The Scripture says that:

Every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ in the flesh is of God. This goes deeper than confessions with the mouth, but revolves around confessions of the heart 💜 ❤️ and the only way we’ll be able to discern God’s heart is to sincerely engage Him on an intimate personal level.

It is time for us to stop faking and shaking in religious activity, and start standing in the pureness and divinity that is Christ. This is not the time for lip service about the Father, but it is time to be revealed as sons and daughters manifesting our God’s heart. We must start with our own behavior that is behind our confessions. Only Christ knows the spirit of a man. But man can test the heart to see if a spirit is genuine and of Christ. How do we do that?

Compare the words of the mouth with the works of the heart. If the words don’t match with the works of the hands, feet, and rest of the body, then at the very least we should question that spirit. We must ask ourselves whether that spirit is confessing Christ in the flesh. Look at the works. Look at the fruit. When that spirit has been tested to be genuine, then there should be continuity. Until continuity is manifested in a human being, then the person’s spirit is questionable. I don’t care who it is that is speaking. They are identified by their fruit 🍓 🍑.

You are not mature until you bear fruit and that fruit remains, meaning it’s constantly growing more fruit 🍓 🍑. It is a spirit that bears Christ in the flesh. That’s what confession is genuinely about. It is about what happens when that confession becomes flesh in one’s life. Ultimately, Believers of Christ are crucified with Him in the flesh and are raised with Him to eternal glory. That is what we mean when we say we are covered by the blood of Christ. Every sin is paid for and forgiven by the life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. Our part is to believe that with all our heart. In humility, we yield ourselves before the Lord and receive His free gift of salvation. When we mess up, we ask for forgiveness and we repent because Christ has paid for every sin we would ever commit so sin does not have dominion over us. Sin is paid for even until the day of Jesus’ return to earth. The implications of such a beautiful gift of life and liberty free from sin cause us to want to yield to God even more. We desire to become transformed and empowered witnesses of God’s mighty acts toward us on earth.

But there are those for whom maturity in the things of God is not a desire. Some people unfortunately do not want to become intimate with God’s character and with His ways because they do not desire to give up their own ways for God’s way.

I John 4:3:

3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God;…

So we see here that not only is any spirit that does not confess Jesus Christ with their mouth not of God, but any spirit that does not confess Jesus Christ with their heart is not of God. Why is this? Because it is with the heart that man believes unto salvation. You see, the devil believes that Jesus Christ is the Lord who came in the flesh (says James 2:14-26). So it’s not just about confessing with the mouth because even the devil does that… The problem is believing with the heart! The devil doesn’t believe or honor God with his heart. The devil doesn’t confess Christ through the works of his flesh; the devil’s works prove who the devil really is. So in James 2 when the Bible says that faith without works is dead, the Apostle John makes it even clearer in John 4:3 what dead faith is:

…Such is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already it is in the world.

Why does John say that the Antichrist is already in the world? Because the same spirit who is confessing Christ verbally with his mouth but is not believing Christ unto salvation with his heart is that spirit that works against Christ. That spirit is referred to as “anti” Christ because it leads people against Christ by the works of their heart. The works of men’s hearts can be seen throughout our government, businesses, and systems of culture. Even well-meaning men and women of God can operate outside of God’s character, wisdom, and power; that’s why we need the fullness of Christ and not a form of religion.

False prophets and fractured messengers who claim to be of Christ but are not operating in the fullness of Him are not new; they have existed from the early church till now. When people are not genuine about their own transformation and maturity with Christ, they lead and influence other people further away from God through their ignorance and deception. All the while they can think they are right and some even appear as angels of light. No one knows this better than the Apostle Paul. Under his former name of Saul, he was a known killer of God’s people until the spirit of Jesus met him on the road to Damascus. Today, the Apostle Paul is credited with authoring much of the New Testament.

The Bible says: You will know them by their fruit 🍓🍑. Your fruit and their fruit can’t be the same fruit. Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.

I John 4:4

4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

Our goal is to manifest the greater one who lives in us – our Maker! That is, if Christ be in us, and when we manifest, we want to manifest Christ in His fullness: Christ’s character, Christ’s wisdom, and Christ’s power (all three) are His fullness. That’s how you know ‘you got the right one baby’ living and operating on the inside of you. The Spirit of God not the spirit of anti-Christ becomes manifested in your flesh! A transformed life is behind the confession. A true confession of forgiveness and repentance for example is not just what you say, but what you do; it is what happens when what you confess is birthed out in your behavior and becomes a way of life. The Bible refers to this as bearing “fruit meet for repentance.”

We have heard it said that to repent means to turn around and that’s true. It takes transformation to do that. Transformation in my opinion is what it takes to convert your goals, dreams, and desires into energy. In other words, to turn around you really need to turn that talk into energy and make good on what you say. This builds character and integrity, so we do not become people who are just full of BS. Discipline requires grace! And even this grace comes from God!

I’m believing God for the grace I need to be transformed from one level of glory to the next and live out His wonderful plans for my life. I am born again to not only be a blessing to myself and my family and friends, but a channel of blessing for others in the world. So are you! Your transformation and maturity is not just about you living a saved and enhanced life, but it is about you enriching the lives of others because of the God who lives on the inside of you. God loves us all and desires that we become a mature and transformed body of Believers in Christ. Only then can we be effective witnesses!

Dr. Merle Ray

The Brilliance Midwife, Mentor Coach, Consultant, & Life Strategist

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